WARNING: You are about to witness an absolute overkill of birthday pictures! I'm posting a ton because I'm going to get my blog printed as a book and I want all these pictures in there, so I hope this doesn't completely bore you. I guess it must not if you keep checking in with us. I know that I'll never tire of looking at all of these sweet faces, but this might be a bit much for some of you. You've been warned!

For those of you who are worried...I promise neither of these children will be taking the binkies to Kindergarten. They'll be gone long before that. Sometimes you just need a snuggle moment with your favorite comfort item and Nate adores his little cousin McKenna.
McKenna loved Christian's sleeping bag because she could really wiggle around on it. She scooted off it several times. I guess the days of leaving her on the couch or my bed are over. We've got a mover on our hands.
A very exciting giant package from Aunt Angel arrived earlier this week!! Christian asked me several times if Angel was going to come to his party. We missed you Aunt Angel and Uncle Sam. Thanks for thinking of Christian!
Does Aunt Angel know her nephew well or what? A Thomas book and a Cars book.
Nate was delighted that there were 2 books.

Christian's big gift was this awesome little Tonka bike with training wheels. He has been talking about wanting a bike with a bell for weeks now. Much to my dismay he hardly gave it a glance. He was much more excited about the dinosaur sand diggers that Grandmom got him from the dollar store.
We tried to get him interested in his bike, but he quickly left the scene and headed to the backyard to play in his sandbox.
So Nate seized the moment and hopped on Christian's bike. He was a little bit too short, but he didn't seem to notice. He loved it.
Meanwhile, Christian was busy digging with his dinos in the backyard.
He finally took some interest later in the day. His favorite part was the water bottle that came with the bike. He took it to bed tonight.
This is the $5 workbench that I got at a yard sale this morning!! Our neighbor Nicholas has the same one and Christian spends lots of time in their garage playing with their stuff, so I thought for five bucks he should have his own.

A new Lightning McQueen sleeping bag from the Marshalls. He's sleeping in it right now. 

Mimi (Aunt Amy) bought all the kids stuffed sting rays when she went to an Aquarium restaurant this week when she went to Nashville. She's so smart, the same thing for each kid. No fighting!! Emma is so dear...she was upset when she found out that Amy didn't buy one for McKenna , so Emma gave hers to McKenna. I love the kind heart that is growing in that girl.

Look at the glee on that face when he got a new Thomas train. ($1 at a yard sale! Can you believe someone would sell Thomas trains for a dollar? I bought them all!)

looks like christian got "hooked-up"! great sales you got too, thomas for a dollar!!! love the tool bench too. great pics from his birthday :) and bless emma, what a precious child, always giving.
I love the pictures! It looks like he had a good time! And good buy on those trains!!!
we have those same abc and 123 posters in our house :)
Who would have ever thought that a little boy would be so fascinated with two cheap dinosaurs. Children fixate on the funniest things. Your birthday pictures are wonderful!
Judy-- how do you get your blog put into a book?
Wow what great gifts. And what fun. It was wonderful the grandmom and Pop Pop got to be there along with Aunt Amy. We are glad things went so well. I am not going to show Adam pics of lightening Mcqueen sleeping bag. Jealousy will ensue for sure. Christian will get one more gift from us when we come up. We will have to try to plan Adam's party so everyone can come. (if we don't have to mortgage our house again to buy gas!)
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