Friday, June 6, 2008

All Done First Grade!

First day of first grade.

Last day of First Grade.
(Can you tell they did some face painting at school??)

Christian, McKenna and I were waiting for Emma on the front steps. Christian even had a little present for her.

I'm finding it a little hard to believe that the school year is over. It seems like it was just last week that I watched Emma get on the bus for the first time and I drove behind it crying the entire way to school. I think I was more nervous than she was. She's had a great year. She is a self-assured strong girl. She has so much confidence now and she has excelled in everything that she's done. She was a great friend to her classmates and a delight to her teacher. Emma's teacher "loops" which means she'll have the same teacher and be in the same class next year. I think it will be great for Emma to have that consistency. I always remember feeling sad on the last day of school. I don't think there has been a year (as a student or teacher) that I haven't cried. I shared that with Emma and she said she felt the same way. So she had a good cry and I joined her (I know, I know...I can't help it). Then she headed out to the pool and had a grand time in the freezing water!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on completing first grade Emma! Faith and Tyler still have 13 days of school left. Love you!~Auntie Heather

Anonymous said...

Great Job, Emma! PopPop and I a very proud of you and all that you have accomplished this year. You are a wonderful student and I know your teacher will miss you this summer. Isn't it great that you will see all of your friends in the fall and you all will have the same teacher? You can look forward to that, but in the meantime, have a terrific time this summer. We are looking forward to the time you will spend with us.
Love, Grandmom

Anonymous said...

Yeah for finishing 1st grade Emma!!! I am so proud of the friend and student you have become. Enjoy your summer vacation.
-Miss Laurie

Katy said...

Look at how she's grown - what a year it's been! I think it's a great idea that her teacher stays with them for another year - how fab!!!

Jenn said...

yaaay emma!!! i even teared up when i read about her last day. what i love is that emma is counting down the days til she goes back to school!!! too cute :)

Erin said...

Cool Beans M&Ms. I didn't know Auntie Judy had posted this. I should have known better. We are very proud of you. I am sure you will have a great year next year too.