Our home is located in a valley between two ridges of mountains. It's a beautiful place to live, you can see the ski slopes from our neighborhood. You can drive East or West and see some beautiful sights, especially in the fall when the leaves change color. The negative to all of that is the land is very rocky. Most people don't have basements unless they blast for them. We fit into the "no basement" category, but we do have a great crawl space that's about 800 sq. feet. I was cleaning it out a couple of weeks ago in preparation for a yard sale and the kids were helping me move stuff around. It occured to me that they were standing up in the crawl space. They were very helpful in moving things around because it wasn't killing their backs or knees. So I decided to get rid of enough stuff to be able to clear out a play area for them. I finally finished the project today and they are thrilled with their new "fort."
The crawl space is even climate controlled so we can even play in here in the winter. McKenna's going to love it when she starts crawling.
I put a bunch of big toys in there that were taking up too much room in the house.
They all thought it was so cool, because it was just their size!
Now we've got a new place to play when it rains!!
Aren't you a smart mama! Anything to get the clutter out of the main living areas is a good thing! It looks like they all love their special space!
great find! gotta love the imagination of children :)
That is awesome! I love a special hide a way place to lay!Emma should create a "club name" for the Fort .... Ri does this in these little attic closets that we have. He even makes passwords and business cards to go with it for "club members only". So fun to be a kid!
It's all about variety!!! I'm a big fan of rotating toys now, thanks to you, and having a new play space to rotate them into is sheer genius!!!!
This is GREAT - what a fabulous idea!!!!!
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