Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Remembering Stones

God realizes that we often forget what he has done for us. In Deuteronomy. 6:12 Moses issued a final warning to Israel just before they entered the promise land, “be careful that you do not forget the LORD, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.…”  I know my own life is so busy, I'm usually just trying to get through the week....it's little wonder then that memorials have frequently played an important role in biblical history.
At the foot of Mt. Sinai, Moses built an altar of stones to commemorate God’s covenant with Israel (Ex. 12:14) . 
And in Joshua chapter four God command his people to erect a memorial. The Israelites had to cross over the Jordan River to get to the promised land. Normally the Jordan was a small river that could be easily crossed. However, during the Spring the melting snows in the mountains turned the river into a rushing river. It spread out over the flood plain and could be as much as a mile wide. But Joshua had seen God perform miracles (He was at the crossing of the Red Sea) and he assured the people that God was about to do something great. As the priests carried the ark of the covenant into the flooded river, the waters stopped flowing. The people crossed easily. It doesn't sound quite as dramatic as the crossing of the Red Sea when Pharaohs army was bearing down on them, but it's miraculous none the less. God once again, didn't want them to forget what He had done so he told them to take 12 stones from the middle of the Jordan River (one for every tribe) and carry them to the side of the river where Israel would camp in the land of Canaan. He wanted them to build something tangible so they would remember what He had done for them. 

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This blog is sort of my own remembering stone. My way of remembering the little years with my kids. I don't want it all to be a big blur of diapers and stomach bugs and baseball games. I want to remember not only the precious moments and things my kids say and do, but how faithful my Jesus has been to me. In our family we memorialize birthdays and holidays and we celebrate just about everything. But I didn't want August 6th to slip by without remembering what God did for us one year ago on this date. Many of you probably remember the accident Will had at the beach last year. His finger was slammed in a door and the top part of his pinky finger came off. My post from last year explaining the accident: HERE. It's the worst one of our kids has ever been hurt and for that I am so thankful. In hindsight the whole thing actually seems minor compared to what other people deal with, but for us it was major. There is nothing worse than watching your child suffer.

I can remember actually feeling like I was going to pass out when the ER doctor and orthopedic surgeon told me they couldn't reattach his finger. I almost missed the side comment from the surgeon when she said, "You know he's young enough...it could grow back."  Two days later Will's plastic surgeon said the same thing.. "You know...I've seen fingers grow back before on young children."  So that became my petition to God. "Oh Lord Jesus, please let Will's finger grow back." Many of you prayed with me. Another blog post from last year giving an update on Will: HERE and HERE.

Today there is a stubby little tip to Will's left pinky finger. It's a little shorter than his other hand. He also has a tiny little rounded finger nail. I was told more than once that he probably wouldn't have a finger nail, but YIPPEE JESUS, he has one. It doesn't grow much. I've only trimmed it twice in the last year, but it's there.

Today we remember what Jesus did for Will. And we thank Him and rejoice in His goodness. And just like Deuteronomy 6 says...We will NOT forget the Lord.

Thank you so much to each of you who prayed for healing for Will. Can you remember something the Lord has done for you?? Sit with your kids and talk about times that God has been faithful to your family. Be careful not to forget the Lord.

1 comment:

Sarah Joy said...

I love your heart Judy and how you seek to honor the Lord in ALL circumstances! I too believe it is so good to look back and see what God has done and he is honored by our praise through it all. I am rejoicing that Will is already getting to see the mighty hand of his loving Father in heaven so early in his life!