Tuesday, October 2, 2007

The Biggest Thomas Fan Ever!!

For those of you who don't know, Christian loves Thomas the Tank Engine!!! Check out the pj's that match the train! These trains can go by themselves when you press down the conductor. We had a great time racing them back on forth on the kitchen floor tonight. Don't you just love how easy it is to entertain a two year old!!
I had to go to church tonight for a meeting, so daddy and Christian spent the evening together. Daddy did what only a daddy would do, he took Christian to a livestock auction to see some cows. Of course, daddy doesn't carry the digital camera everywhere with him like mommy does, so I don't have pictures. But they had a great time. Christian loved the black "moo."


Katy said...

So it sounds like you have some more training to do for Ryan! He'll quickly learn to take the camera to those "events" and capture the moments! :) A livestock auction sounds like a GREAT evening of fun for the boys!! And my boys love Thomas too - we're right there with you!

Christine Salliby said...

I wish my dad took me to a livestock auction when I was younger. That's so cool!