Monday, September 24, 2007

It's A Girl!!!

It's a girl!! Well, we are about 95% sure!! The ultrasound technician seemed pretty confident that she was correct!! Our ultrasound lasted for about 1 hour and everything looked great. We meet with our doctor on Thursday to get the official results, but from what we could tell things are looking good. The picture above is of the baby's profile. Christian came into the room at the end of the ultrasound and he was pretty confused about everything. He couldn't figure out where this baby was that we were all talking about. He also thought I had a boo boo since the "doctor" was checking my belly. When we got home I showed Abby (who is almost four) the pictures of the baby (we've got about 10 of them) and she got a little frustrated. I was showing her an ultrasound picture of the baby's hand and she said "Auntie Judy, I just don't know what you're talking about. I can't see a thing.

I've posted a short video clip of our little girl. I hope this works, since I've never done it before. This video is of her face. It's hard to tell because she was kind of laying against the placenta. You should be able to see a little hand move and you should be able to make out a cute little nose and mouth.

Ryan and I are both thrilled to be having a girl!! I can't wait to be able to buy cute dresses and fun hair bows. I guess we now can start thinking about piano lessons and dance recitals. Thankfully my sister gave me a ton of her girl clothes, so I'm not too concerned about needing lots of pink stuff just yet! Well, I've gotta sign off for now. I need to get the big brother up from his nap or he'll never go to sleep tonight.


Katy said...

HOORAY! I'm so excited for you!!! You're going to have a ball - it's almost like a first baby all over again. At least that's how we felt when we had a girl this time. Congratulations!! Now, do we have her name picked out???

the*4*of*us said...

Congrats!!!!! You guys are going to have so much fun!!!

Heather said...

Addison and I are SO EXCITED that you are having a girl too!!! There are just no words....Praise Jesus!!

Christine Salliby said...

Congratulations! It's a good thing Christian's getting used to having pink and purple stuff in the house already! :)

Sarah Joy said...

Yipee! We are so excited for you guys! I can't wait to buy some baby girl stuff and send it your way, Judy.
Any names yet?

The Rupps said...

so happy for you- you will have so much fun :)